⚠️⚠️⚠️The Fantia system is unique, so please be sure to read the instructions carefully to ensure that you are using the correct system.⚠️⚠️⚠️
This plan basically includes the following contents.
(1) Archives of past livestreams that have been removed from YouTube.
⚠️The frequency of each release will vary depending on the month. Please check back issues to see what has been posted in the past, and thank you in advance for your understanding.
⚠️⚠️⚠️The Fantia system is unique, so please be sure to read the instructions carefully to ensure that you are using the correct system.⚠️⚠️⚠️
This plan basically includes the following contents.
(1) All lower level benefits.
(2) Archives of Chatting & ASMR livestreams on NiconicoChannel+ for members only.
(3) Videos that are sensitive enough that they cannot be posted on YouTube.
⚠️The frequency of each release will vary depending on the month. Some months no content is published. Please check back issues to see what has been posted in the past, and thank you in advance for your understanding.
⚠️⚠️⚠️The Fantia system is unique, so please be sure to read the instructions carefully to ensure that you are using the correct system.⚠️⚠️⚠️
This plan basically includes the following contents.
(1) All lower level benefits.
(2) Videos behind the scenes of shooting videos and live streams.
(3) Original wallpapers.
⚠️The frequency of each release will vary depending on the month. Some months no content is published. Please check back issues to see what has been posted in the past, and thank you in advance for your understanding.
■ 升級後就可以盡情欣賞各種該方案限定的內容。※超過入會期限的內容仍無法觀賞。
■ 當您變更為更高的計劃時,您需要支付計劃費用與您目前訂閱的計劃費用之間的差額。
■ 升級後,升級後的計劃費用將於每月的第一天以「連續付費設定」畫面中開啟「連續付費設定」的付款方式結算。
■ 升級後仍可以觀賞當前方案的內容