Saturday Crush (Neith)

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Hello World, my name is Neith!
Thank you for stumbling across my page and reading this message.

I've been drawing for about 5 years now. To me, art has always been a way of expressing my emotions where words failed to create a clear picture. I'm passionate about art because it allows me to make clear my emotions, and connect with those around me.
In pursuit of this, I dream of producing quality art that people can feel. Filling viewers with determination at a portrayal of defiance, or expressing more primal urges with some naughty artwork. I want to continue to improve until I'm creating art that I can be proud of, and eventually go beyond that.

I have some really big plans for my artwork. I love applying my craft to all new mediums. From simple Illustrations to Manga, Visual Novels, and even Video games. My ultimate goal is forge my own outlets for my artwork to entertain.

It is my hope, that with this page, I will be able to supplement my current income (not a lot these days) and maybe even one day replace it! My takeaway message to anyone reading this would be "Please think of this Patreon as a tip-jar. If you like what I'm doing; If you support my what I'm doing here. If you believe in me and believe in my craft, please consider a pledge"


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