山草遊×Fantia (山草遊)

Sign up with Fantia and support 山草遊!

Currently 529 fans are supporting.

In 山草遊 fan club "山草遊", you can enjoy special content such as "ライトじゃない(重めの)妹さん。".

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山草遊×Fantia (山草遊) Plan

Here is a list of plans by 山草遊×Fantia (山草遊).There are 3 plans registered, including 「無料プラン」「すごいプラン。」, and more.




0yen($0.00 USD)/Month
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You can see the difference without dialogues and without butterflies.
You may not be able to see much eroticism...?

대사 없는 차이점이나 후키다시 없는 차이점을 볼 수 있습니다.
에로틱한 것은 별로 볼 수 없을지도...?


0yen($0.00 USD)/ Month
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500yen($3.47 USD)/Month
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For those who want to see erotic pictures.
You can see the differences, drafts, and submissions of the pictures posted here.
Sometimes, I may upload pictures that are only available to the plan members.

에치나 그림이 보고 싶은 분들을 위해.
게시된 그림의 에치나 차이점, 초안이나 몰래 그린 그림 등을 볼 수 있습니다.
가끔 플랜 한정 공개 그림을 올리기도 합니다.


500yen($3.47 USD)/ Month
You can support with about 17yen per day!
*Calculated on 30 days per month and rounded decimals to the nearest whole number
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1,000yen($6.94 USD)/Month
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Basically the same as the awesome plan.
For the gullible supporter.
Submissions with many differences can be downloaded in a batch as a ZIP file.

기본적으로 어메이징 플랜과 동일합니다.
꼼꼼한 후원자분들을 위한 플랜입니다.
차이점이 많은 게시물은 ZIP으로 일괄 다운로드할 수 있습니다.

差异较大的投稿可以 ZIP 文件格式批量下载。

1,000yen($6.94 USD)/ Month
You can support with about 33yen per day!
*Calculated on 30 days per month and rounded decimals to the nearest whole number
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Notes regarding joining and withdrawal

Joining a fan club

You can enjoy limited content immediately. * You cannot view the content after the joining deadline.

Even if you join in the middle of the month, you will be charged for one month. The current month is not prorated.

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Upgrading a plan

You can enjoy limited content of the upgraded plan immediately. * You cannot view the content after the joining deadline.

When you upgrade to a higher plan, we will deduct the difference from the amount of your current plan from your registered credit card.

After the upgrade you can continue to view the plans you are currently joined.

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Downgrading a plan

Once the downgrade is complete, you will no longer be able to view any plans higher than the downgraded plan, including limited content that was available before the downgrade. You can continue to view the plans below the downgraded plan.

If you downgrade, please note that your joining period will be reset. You cannot view the content after the joining deadline.

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Withdrawing from a fan club

When you withdraw from a fan club, you will lose the right to view the limited contents.

Please note that the joining period will be reset even if you apply for joining again. You cannot view the content after the joining deadline.

Even if you withdraw in the middle of the month, you will be charged for one month. The current month is not prorated.

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