銀の音 (銀音('ω')) Plan
Here is a list of plans by 銀の音 (銀音('ω')).There are 6 plans registered, including 「銀の音(おためし)」「進捗ラフ下書き(鍵垢)|無料配布|サークルカット&お品書き(WEB再録)」, and more.
・ぐだぐだ巌流島 (インフォメWEB再録)✔️
・サークルカットWEB再録 ★
・お品書きWEB再録 ★
*Calculated on 30 days per month and rounded decimals to the nearest whole number
・乙女剣武蔵 (一枚絵) ★
・刀剣乱舞 (その他一枚絵)
・薄桜鬼 (風間千景のSSL (ギャグ小説))
└ 未発行作品
・刀剣乱舞 (へし切長谷部×亀甲貞宗) ✔️
・刀剣乱舞 (大和守安定×加州清光) ✔️
・薄桜鬼 (沖田×千鶴) ✔️
・薄桜鬼 (沖田&斎藤) ✔️
・緋色の欠片4 (幻灯火/空疎尊/ALL) ✔️
・聖闘士星矢LoS (沙織&青銅) ✔️
・大河ドラマ平清盛 (藤原頼長&鸚鵡) ✔️
リクエストはコミッション (pixivリクエ
スト) からどうぞ (過去ジャンル可)
*Calculated on 30 days per month and rounded decimals to the nearest whole number
・緋色の欠片 (祐一×珠紀)【R18】
└ 未発行作品(続編) ★
・緋色の欠片3 (祐一×珠紀)【R18】
・緋色の欠片4 (幻灯火×玉依姫)
└ 未発行作品 ★
・薄桜鬼 (風間×千鶴)【ギャグ小説/R18含】
・薄桜鬼 (風間×千鶴)【R18】
・薄桜鬼 (沖田×千鶴)【R18】
└ 未発行作品(続編) ★
リクエストはコミッション (pixivリクエ
スト) からどうぞ (過去ジャンル可)
*Calculated on 30 days per month and rounded decimals to the nearest whole number
・遙か3 (平重衡×平知盛)【R18】
・遙か3 (平重衡×平知盛)【小説/R18】
・遙か4 (柊×忍人)【R18】
・遙か4 (柊×忍人)【全年齢】
・刀剣乱舞 (堀兼)【全年齢】
・刀剣乱舞 (堀川国広×和泉守兼定)【R18】
└ 未発行作品(続編) ★
・刀剣乱舞 (鶴丸国永×一期一振)【R18】
└ 未発行作品 ★
リクエストはコミッション (pixivリクエ
スト) からどうぞ (過去ジャンル可)
*Calculated on 30 days per month and rounded decimals to the nearest whole number
・FGO派生 (ぐだぐだ刀剣乱舞まとめ) ✔️
・FGO派生 ぐだぐだ刀剣乱舞 (WEB再録)
└ 新作 ★
・FGO (ぐだぐだオーダーまとめ)
・FGO ぐだぐだオーダー(WEB再録)
└ 新作 ★
・FGO 佐々木小次郎&宮本武蔵まとめ
・FGO コンヨハまとめ
・VTuber宮本武蔵 (一次創作) ★
・艦隊これくしょん (祥鳳) ✔️
リクエストはコミッション (pixivリクエ
スト) からどうぞ
*Calculated on 30 days per month and rounded decimals to the nearest whole number
Joining a fan club
You can enjoy limited content immediately. * You cannot view the content after the joining deadline.
Even if you join in the middle of the month, you will be charged for one month. The current month is not prorated.
Upgrading a plan
You can enjoy limited content of the upgraded plan immediately. * You cannot view the content after the joining deadline.
When you change to a higher plan, you will be required to pay the difference between the plan fee and the fee of the plan to which you are currently subscribed.
After upgrading, the upgraded plan fee will be settled on the first day of each month by the payment method whose “Continuous Payment Settings” is turned on in the “Continuous Payment Settings” screen.
After the upgrade you can continue to view the plans you are currently joined.
Downgrading a plan
Once the downgrade is complete, you will no longer be able to view any plans higher than the downgraded plan, including limited content that was available before the downgrade. You can continue to view the plans below the downgraded plan.
If you downgrade, please note that your joining period will be reset. You cannot view the content after the joining deadline.
Withdrawing from a fan club
When you withdraw from a fan club, you will lose the right to view the limited contents.
Please note that the joining period will be reset even if you apply for joining again. You cannot view the content after the joining deadline.
Even if you withdraw in the middle of the month, you will be charged for one month. The current month is not prorated.