Liya's Bondage Experiment Lab (莉雅的紧缚实验)的方案
這是 Liya's Bondage Experiment Lab (莉雅的紧缚实验)的方案一覽。總共有3個計畫、其中包括 「免费会员[Newbee]」「铜牌会员[Bronze Tier]」 等等。
You will be rewarded with one or more of following contents per month, which includes:
- Teaser for upcoming video(s),
- Preview images for upcoming videos,
- A rare chance to receive a free ticket to upgrade your plan for free!
- 新视频的预告片,
- 新视频的预告图,
- 极其稀有的情况下,得到免费升级会员至收费会员的机会!
You will be rewarded with one or more following contents per month:
- A pay-to-view video for free
- HD quality photos from behind the scene and/or videos
- Something special for bronze tier subscribers.
- 1部付费视频
- 高清的捆绑福利图
- 铜牌会员专属福利
You will be rewarded with everything from the bronze tier, and one or more following contents:
- An extra video per month,
- Some videos from the past that may not available in the fantia club yet,
- A special gift for silver members only.
- 额外的一个免费视频,
- 一些未在fantia公开的老视频,
- 为银牌会员准备的小惊喜
■ 升級後就可以盡情欣賞各種該方案限定的內容。※超過入會期限的內容仍無法觀賞。
■ 當您變更為更高的計劃時,您需要支付計劃費用與您目前訂閱的計劃費用之間的差額。
■ 升級後,升級後的計劃費用將於每月的第一天以「連續付費設定」畫面中開啟「連續付費設定」的付款方式結算。
■ 升級後仍可以觀賞當前方案的內容