こじょりんのファンティア (こじょりん(小城徹也))

Fantia에 등록하고 こじょりん(小城徹也) 님을 응원해 보세요.

현재 963 명의 팬이 응원 중입니다.

こじょりん(小城徹也) 팬클럽 「こじょりん(小城徹也)」 에서는 「【先行公開】ご褒美をあげたい先輩ちゃん」 등 스페셜 콘텐츠를 즐기실 수 있습니다.

무료 회원 가입

이 페이지를 공유하여 こじょりん(小城徹也) 님을 응원해 보세요.




X(R-18) https://twitter.com/kojotetuya
pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/users/18086680


Thanks again for your support!

●There are three plans.
●You can view the works you plan to post on social networking sites ahead of time.
●Some works can only be viewed here. That's the content of the later story.
●It will be updated about once a week.

I would like you to support me!

X https://twitter.com/kojotetuya
pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/users/18086680



A lover who cheers me up by visiting me.

A lover who cheers me up by visiting me.

This continued!


【Published ahead of time】 She wants to change herself.

【Published ahead of time】 She wants to change herself.

I will be posting this piece on social media next week!
She may want to have lunch with me. Story Continued

She may want to have lunch with me. Story Continued

Another illustration of her can be found here. Limited number of images total 14.


限定の内容は、イラストの差分(セリフなし・表情・中出し)となります♡ 無料のサンプル画像あります♡
전체 포스팅