朝風の雫/Asakaze no shizuku (朝風あびす/A.Asakaze)

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Currently 803 fans are supporting.

In 朝風あびす/A.Asakaze fan club "朝風あびす/A.Asakaze", you can enjoy special content such as "支援者様向けミニCG集公開!/Mini CG collection for supporters".

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Back numbers of 朝風の雫/Asakaze no shizuku (朝風あびす/A.Asakaze)

Back number list of 朝風の雫/Asakaze no shizuku (朝風あびす/A.Asakaze). Displays exclusive contents for each plan, such as "王国来訪者/Visitor", "ダークエルフ王国市民/Dark Elf Kingdom Citizen特典", by posting month.



About the plan

ダークエルフ王国名誉市民/Dark Elf Kingdom Honorary Citizen

ダークエルフ王国名誉市民/Dark Elf Kingdom Honorary Citizen

View Back Numbers

ダークエルフ王国市民の特典+作品にお名前(ハンドルネーム)をクレジットさせていただきます。支援金は参考書資料や画材の購入に使われ、作品の世界観やクオリティのアップデートに活用されます。/ In addition to the benefits for Dark Elf Kingdom Citizens, Honorary Citizens will have their names listed in the special thanks section of the CG collection sales page and in the "read me" section of the artwork.The support funds will be used to continue and enhance the quality of the Futanari Dark Elf Series, primarily by purchasing reference materials and art supplies.

1,000yen($7.00 USD) / Month
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